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NERIS Project – GLO Hurricane Harvey Housing Assistance Program

August 26, 2021

Four years later, Texas General Land Office still helping Hurricane Harvey victims

HOUSTON – Just four years ago, Hurricane Harvey left Houston underwater. (2021)

Officials are still distributing money to flood victims, and some people are still waiting for new homes to be built. Helen Bernard, who lives in south Houston in the Sugar Valley Community, said after floodwater damaged her home the Texas General Land Office or GLO stepped in to rebuild it last year. “I walk around some time and want to slap myself because I don’t think it’s real,” she said. The 70-year-old said her old home had a lot of problems, and it was time for an upgrade. “I didn’t have central air. I had window units. I had space heaters for heating. I didn’t have a dishwasher. I have one now. The slab was cracked, and the water would come inside the home,” she said. Bernard is one of 3,600 Texans who had their home rebuilt by the GLO. The state received about $5.6 billion in recovery funds to help people who suffered. Bernard said the application process was easy.


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